Education matters for human development because it helps a person to live a happier and healthier life. The topic continues to receive rapid updates, and even technologies that previously didn’t exist have grown in popularity. As the saying goes, “When you have forgotten what you studied for exams, what remains is education.” Most experts agree that the world has reached the fifth age.

Catering to a Large Number of People
One of the best things about education today is how it caters to many people, and they have more opportunities today than ever before. A person only has to take advantage of them to get the most out of it. Speaking of education, people can’t ignore the past because of how it shows where society has previously been.

Where Education Started
Most likely, education began with India’s gurukuls, and it came further to the academies of Greece. Plenty of these ancient academies have existed all over the world. Some of the exciting features of this education were that it began with low teacher to student ratios, and they personalized it to each student’s requirements. Manuscripts were used in a limited way with a higher emphasis on memory, which led to more information being guarded than today.

How Does the New Version of Education Look?
Contrast that with today, some of the core principles of today focus on quality, scale, and using expertise as a lever for higher learning. Education experts have tried to make it ageless while personalizing it to help students to get ahead. They base this on individual inclinations and abilities. In the new education, they want to make it as receptive as possible while still making as much of it as possible freely available.

Where does education appear to be headed? Many people have begun to focus on a multi-lingual approach where students will learn many things. These knowledge networks will bring the world closer together than what it has ever been before. Additionally, they have tried to eliminate the inequities that had previously existed in education as much as possible. For example, they have been attempting to make the system fairer and more focused on equal education for everyone.